Evaluation of the microeconomic system's stability
Purpose and subject of researchThe purpose of research is the development of methodical approach to determining the level of economic stability on the basis of industrial building system of integrated indicators.Research methodologyA theoretical framework is based on methods of system analysis in management of the insurance company development, innovative control methods.Value resultsThe paper examines the economic sustainability of the enterprise from the perspective of the functional stability characteristics (parameters), highlights various components of sustainability: financial, technological, organizational, commercial and social. It is proposed to evaluate the stability of the economic system using the stability of indexes and the balanced proportions of the enterprise developing.ConclusionsThe proposed assessment of the economic viability is viewed from the perspective of sustainability components. Within the range of the components, elements that characterize the use performance of their potential, should be provided. The methodical approach of constructing a system of integrated indicators for each of these types of resistance, makes it possible to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the industrial enterprise's economic viability, and identify an approaching to the bifurcation point.Key words: microeconomic system's, evaluation of stability, economic stability, industrial building system.References
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Copyright (c) 2014 Natalya Kasyanovа

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