Problem of identification of parameters of the model of management of innovation processes in reprocessing agricultural enterprises
Purpose and subject of researchThe main approaches in the identification of parameters of economic and mathematical models are considered, the problem of a posteriori identification of the dynamical model parameters of innovative process management of reprocessing agricultural enterprises is researched.Research methodologySolutions for a posteriori identification of parameters of the dynamic model of innovative process management of reprocessing agricultural enterprises propose an algorithm that reduces to the implementation of solutions of systems of linear algebraic equations, the formation of the linear regression equation and use the method of least squares.Value resultsAn algorithm for solving the problem of a posteriori identification of parameters of the dynamic model of innovative process management of reprocessing agricultural enterprises proposed algorithm makes it possible to develop efficient numerical procedures to implement a computer simulation of the dynamics of the system of innovative process management of agricultural enterprises.ConclusionsResults presented in this paper can be used for economic-mathematical modeling and solving optimization processes of forecasting and data management in a lack of information and the availability of risk, as well as for the development of appropriate software and hardware systems to support effective management decisions in practice.Key words: posteriori identification, innovation process in agriculture, economic and mathematical modeling, discrete dynamical system, the risks of agricultural production.References
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