The modern approaches to managing development of the enterprise in the field of non-bank financial services
Purpose and subject of researchSynthesis of the modern approaches to the management of development and also justification of tool set implementation strategy to increase the effectiveness of the management of the enterprise in the non-banking financial services.Research methodologyThe theoretical framework is based on the methods of system analysis to the business management of the financial sector, innovative models of financial management, modern methods of economic cybernetics.Value resultsThe proposed theoretical approach is used to improve the system of development of the enterprise in the non-banking financial services through the introduction of complex administrative innovations.ConclusionsThe result of the study is the author's model of implementation of managerial innovations to stimulate the development of the enterprise sphere of non-bank financial services. The proposed integrated approach combines the tools of investment management, economy and mathematical methods, modern market theory and microeconomic analysis to a single organizational and economic model. The proposed approach enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the enterprise in the field of non-banking financial services.Key words: development management, management of innovation, the filed of non-bank financial services, enterprise management, financial management.References
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