Model in managing the implementation of ERP systems
Purpose and subject of researchThe aim of the study is to find methods for effective management of ERP- systems.Research methodologyThe theoretical framework is based on the methods of system analysis to the business management of the financial sector, innovative models of financial management, modern methods of economic cybernetics.Value resultsThe complication and the increasing cost of complex systems of operational business management (ERP-systems) cause deepening of problems of evaluating their effectiveness. We need mechanisms that allow manage the selection, implementation and use of such systems. As a result, the model in managing the implementation of integrated enterprise management systems was built.ConclusionsThe complication and the increasing cost of complex systems of operational business management (ERP-systems) cause deepening of problems of evaluating their effectiveness. We need mechanisms that allow manage the selection, implementation and use of such systems. As a result, the model in managing the implementation of integrated enterprise management systems was built. The model allows to evaluate the impact of management factors such as top management support , quality of communication , the degree of awareness among staff and others on the speed of implementation of automated functions. A system dynamic approach allows account of the positive feedbacks that occur in the system in the implementation of information management systems. Simulation experiments with the model help to formalize and present in quantitative form some qualitative performance of ERP- systems.Key words: ERP-system implementation management, system dynamicsReferences
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