Estimation models of fiscal policy indices balance
PurposeScenario models creation of the regions equation development on the basis of fiscal politics realization. These models give an opportunity to conduct the analysis of territories development structural disbalances in a perspective period and to define the parameters of fiscal politics, providing their removal or warning.Methodology/approachesTheoretic – methodological approach to scenarios creation of regions socio-economic development is based on principles of anticipate management, evolution recurrence conception of the economic systems. The approach allows forming the preventive strategic measures intended for structural crisis warning and providing of the regions equation developmentPractical application of resultsThe results are realized in activity of state administration organs at forming of regions socio-economic development strategyLimitations/ConsequenceOffer algorithms and charts of scenario creation can be used for prognostication of regions socio-economic development on the basis of different administrative influences not only in the field of fiscal politics but also in the field of employment assistance politics, development of international cooperation etc.Originality / valueDevised scenarios of regions socio-economic development management allow to estimate co-ordination of tax, budgetary politics, dynamics of investment processes, their influence on the processes of regional development convergence.Keywords: region, socio-economic development, inequality, structural disproportions, warning, management, regional politics, fiscal politics, equation, scenario modeling, imitation modelingReferences
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