Application of antagonistic games to select the structure of optimal mixture
Purpose and subject of researchThe subject of the study is to optimize the mix by changing their structure. The purpose of this article - to develop a method of choice of the optimal variant of the mixture, based on the solution of the corresponding zero-sum game.Research methodologyThis paper applies the game-theoretic method of choice of the optimal variant of the mixture, which allows you to find the desired structure of the optimal variant of the mixture.Value resultsOptimize the use of resources leads to the achievement of the best quality of a mixture that allows to stabilize the demand for these products and, consequently, makes it possible to reduce the level of economic risks faced by the manufacturer of the product. The use of such resource optimization leads to the achievement of the best quality of a mixture that can stabilize the demand for these products and, consequently, makes it possible to reduce the level of economic risks faced by the manufacturer of the product.ConclusionsThe article deals with the problem of creating the optimal mix and choice by changing its structure, i.e., selection of such proportions of ingredients of the mixture to the mixture itself has the best quality. In the evaluation of the quality of different options developed mixture attended by several independent experts. We propose a game-theoretic method for choosing the vector characterizing the structure of the optimal variant mixture.References
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Copyright (c) 2014 Anatoliy Sigal

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