The estimation of results of enterprise activity aimed at creation of its future capabilities: indexes and models
Research PurposeIn every moment of the present any enterprise builds its future. Therefore the results of current performance of an enterprise must be estimated in the context of creating its capabilities to run a successful business in the future. The aims of this research are: 1) to develop a system of criteria of estimating enterprise activity aimed at creating its future capabilities; 2) for the mathematical providing of calculation of the proposed system of criteria to develop an enterprise potential estimation model taking into account optimizing and dynamic essence of the potential.Research МethodologyEstimation of results of enterprise activity related to creation of its future capabilities is realized according to the approach based on the concept of “enterprise potential”. Estimation of enterprise potential is proposed to describe as a set of the best results, which the enterprise can achieve in the prognosticated period in view of environment conditions variants.The model of estimation of enterprise potential is build as a constrained optimization task with the criterion of future profits which describes the addition of economic capital of enterprise.Research resultsIn the article three interrelated criteria of estimation of processes of creating enterprise future capabilities are offered: index of enterprise potential; index of dynamics of enterprise potential; index of dynamics of implementation of enterprise potential. With the purpose of forming the mathematical providing of calculation of the offered indexes, the optimization model of result estimation of enterprise potential was developed. The designed model includes: global objective function describing the sum of profits of enterprise for the whole prognosis period depending on parameters that determine enterprise activity on the set of elementary periods; local objective functions of profits optimization within the each elementary period with the controlled vector of output; system of constraints that are determined by characteristics of enterprise resources; system of expressions which describes dynamics of resources.Expressions of the model are shown on the example of estimating tactical potential of an enterprise. ImplicationsThe proposed system of criteria and the model of estimation of enterprise potential develop analytical support of management of enterprises. The findings are meant for using in enterprise management automated systems.Keywords: future capabilities of enterprise; enterprise potential; optimization model of estimation of enterprise potential; enterprise management.References
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